Roberta Twaddle: Learning To Walk Again

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

A memoir of the years 2013–2018 through paintings & reflective writing by local artist Roberta Twaddle. Open Monday to Friday, 9:30 am–4:30 pm, and Saturdays 10 am–4 pm.

Masquerade Mask Making Part 1

More Than Just Art 15 Manominee Street, Unit 1A, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Join artist Pat Astley for a fun creative process! Create your mask for Halloween and/or for the Masquerade Ball. This is a 2 evening workshop: Oct 17th to design and build, followed by a week to dry; Oct 24th to complete and paint. All materials will be supplied. Whatever your costume, Pat will be there to assist you with your one-of-a-kind creation!
