Masquerade Ball

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

On February 8th the Huntsville Art Society is presenting their annual Opening Season Gala, revealing the names of the artists that are showing their art in Partners Hall during the 2019 Season. Following the gala you are invited to dance the night away to live music at the Masquerade Ball. This FUNdraiser is in support of the Artist in the schools Program that HAS and HFA are creating to enhance the art curriculum in our local elementary schools. Refreshments will be provided and cash bar is available, so this February shake off the winter blues with some mysterious fun. Don your best outfit for the Masquerade Ball—masks not required but very welcome.


Lynda Lynn

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Corrine Murdy

Huntsville Public Library 7 Minerva Street East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Artwork displayed throughout the Huntsville Public Library

Debbie Madill

Huntsville Public Library 7 Minerva Street East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Artwork displayed throughout the Huntsville Public Library

Michelle Vyn – Discovery, Wonder & Storytelling

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Opening Reception: Sat., June 15th, 1 - 3 pm. Artist Talk starting at 1:30. Partners Hall Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:30 - 4:30; Saturday 10:00 - 4:00; Sundays closed.

Judy Geller

Huntsville Public Library 7 Minerva Street East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Artwork displayed throughout the Huntsville Public Library

Summer Members Show

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Palette Packers

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Robin Mautner

Huntsville Public Library 7 Minerva Street East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada

Artwork displayed throughout the Huntsville Public Library

Kate Brown

Partners Hall, Algonquin Theatre 37 Main St. East, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada