Karen Gray – The Potter’s Studio & Gallery

Using Sgraffito technique, Karen carves Canadian images into functional pottery and wall hangings. Common images are: poppies, sunflowers, dragonflies, starry night, windswept pine tree, canoe bow and loons. If you appreciate life on the Canadian Shield then you’ll appreciate Karen’s pottery.
Karen’s studio is on site and open to the public and you are welcome to explore art in the gallery.
Open year round but call in advance during winter months. 705-783-0242
Artist Contact Info
Website: http://www.thepottersstudio.com
Phone: (705) 787-0242
Email: thepottersstudiogallery@gmail.com
Location: 16 Brunel Road
Huntsville, On
P1H 1P1
Parking in driveway or on Princess Street.
Huntsville, On
P1H 1P1
Parking in driveway or on Princess Street.