Eleanor Thorel

Eleanor Thorel was born in Trinidad and having spent her early years in Jamaica, Eleanor has developed a taste for the unique. Her love for beauty and affinity for nature has woven its way into her paintbrush and pen. Initially, Eleanor studied Illustration and Animation at Sheridan College in Oakville. After working in the field of Animation for a few years, Eleanor decided that it was through painting that she could best fulfil her expectations as an artist.
Due to family commitments and her son’s health challenges, Eleanor went back to school and pursued a career as a Registered Nurse and received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Eleanor worked for many years as a dialysis nurse in the hemodialysis unit at Soldier’s Memorial Hospital in Orillia and recently has retired after a traumatic fall and fracture of her dominant wrist and hand and suffered a concussion. After much soul searching, “I have decided to move closer to family and have moved to Southern Ontario”. Recently, Eleanor has retired and has returned to her painting. You can follow her on FB and Twitter.
“Through my art I hope to demonstrate respect for our environment and respect for one another. All of us have been blessed with various talents and abilities. By studying the natural world I believe we can learn to tolerate our differences while we work together to preserve what remains of our lakes, forests and wildlife.”